Are you a Pharmacy Director wondering if your pharmacy records could pass a DEA Audit?
One of PRI’s Controlled Substances Compliance Teams will come onsite and complete a detailed review of all pharmacy records, including nursing and anesthesia records, to ensure compliance with DEA and state regulations.

Are you an Attorney representing a hospital facing fines levied by the DEA?
PRI will assist your facility with all DEA injunctions, including strict adherence to the DEA’s Order to Show Cause and DEA Settlement Agreements.
Are you the Risk Manager of a hospital system, concerned that one of your practitioners, nurses, or CRNAs could divert controlled substances from your patients?
PRI will review your nurses’ controlled substance activity, trend usage, and supply your facility with a watch list. Additionally, PRI can conduct a monthly Nurse Audit to ensure accountability of all controlled substances.

Are you a Retail Pharmacy Owner who worries that your staff may be diverting controlled substances?
PRI will conduct a Controlled Substances Accountability Audit of all controlled substances your pharmacy has ordered and received, including prescription and record reviews.
Are you a Pharmacy Director tasked with the administrative responsibilities of acquiring new clinics and needing assistance with DEA registration requirements and application processes?
PRI will advise you on all necessary DEA and state requirements.

Are you a Chief Operating Officer, Risk Manager, or Pharmacy Director for a healthcare system, hospital, retail pharmacy, clinic, or other DEA-registered facility who is concerned about the accountability of your controlled substances?
With more than 25 years of experience with both state and federal regulations, our auditors will help your facility comply with controlled substances regulations, detect controlled substance diversion, and develop processes and procedures to effectively combat potential diversion by pharmacy and nursing staff.
Could your Pharmacists or Pharmacy Technicians be stealing controlled substances from your pharmacy without your knowledge?
During our Controlled Substances Compliance Audits, your PRI Team will be able to identify potential loopholes in your system and potentially identify anyone who needs further investigation.

Have you recently identified a diversion by a healthcare worker and need assistance determining the controlled substances and quantities to record on a DEA 106 Loss / Theft Report?
PRI’s Pharmacist Auditors will conduct in-depth, third-party reviews of all suspected diverter transactions to determine exact medications and quantities to report.
Are you the Program Director for your hospital’s Drug Diversion Program and would like to verify that your implemented procedures follow all DEA and state regulations?
PRI will complete a Controlled Substances Compliance Review of your healthcare system, providing a detailed report of violations and recommendations to ensure continued compliance with federal and state regulations. Additionally, with 25 years of reviewing healthcare systems, PRI can advise you of best practices that our current clients have implemented.

Are DEA Diversion Investigators onsite at your facility?
Contact PRI now. We will do everything possible to bring one of our team members to your site, ready to assist your facility with the DEA Audit. We will mitigate risk to your facility, serving as liaisons who will interface with DEA Diversion Investigators during onsite inspections.